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Silvered Mirrors Glass

Silver mirrored glass is the basic option for a standard mirror.


Silvering is the common term given to the chemical process by which the reflective medium, (or ‘mirror’) is created.
It is aluminium oxide, not silver that is cooled and stuck onto a sheet of glass, in a vacuum, thus coating the back surface to get the desired mirror effect.


Application: Silvered mirror glass is used for virtually in all residential mirrors as well as other uses which include:

  • Convex mirrors – safety/easy viewing

  • Dental mirrors

  • Rear view mirrors – two way/one way mirrors

  • Two way mirrors – signalling

  • One way mirrors

  • Signalling – technology

  • Projects – leisure

  • Decorating

  • Entertainment

  • Leisure

Silvered Mirrors have following nine categories

1. Rear Silvered Mirror:

We stock in 1.3 , 2, 3, 4, 6mm

2. Low iron Rear Silvered Mirror:

We stock in 4, 6mm

3. Tinted Rear Silvered Mirror:

We stock bronze, grey , peach, blue, green, gold, cognac

4. Antique mirror

5. Front silvered mirror:

Front surface mirrors have a vacuum deposited hard aluminium coating on the top/first /front surface of the glass.  This eliminates any ghost image which would have been produced by a rear surface mirror or any specially modified image from refraction through the glass.

Application: A front surface mirror recreates a next to perfect reflection and its uses include:

  • Periscopes

  • Telescopes

  • Non reversing mirrors

  • Kaleidoscopes

Thicknesses supplied are 1.2mm, 2mm, 3mm and 6mm

6. Spymirror
Spymirror has a semi-mirror coating on tinted float available in 2mm & 6mm


7. Beamsplitters
Beam splitters are mirrors that reflect part of the iridescent light and transmit the other part. In other words it splits the beam of light in two. The splitting occurs uniformly over the entire mirror surface. This means that a beam splitter can be installed within the path of any light beam without interfering with the optical imaging.
Beam splitting are commonly used in laser construction as output couplers. Beam splitter mirrors are ideal because of their ability to be made into a variety of reflection and transmission rates.


8. Cold Mirrors
Cold Mirror is a piece of glass with an added visible light reflective filter and works in contrast to a hot mirror. The filter (generally dichroic filter) reflects/blocks visible light allowing infrared rays/heat to be transmitted through.


Application: Cold mirrors are used for their capability to allow heat/IR to pass through whilst blocking/reflecting any visible light and are often used as dichroic beam splitters with laser systems.

9. Hot Mirrors
A hot mirror is a piece of glass with an added heat reflective filter. The filter (generally a dichroic filter) reflects/blocks infrared light allowing visible light to pass through. This reduces heat build up from a light source, reducing damage to components. Actual achieved heat reduction is dependent upon the light source used as well as the application

Application: Hot mirrors are used for their capability to reduce heat and are often used in fibre optic systems to protect the glass fibres from overheating or burn out.
Hot mirrors are also used for photography whereby certain cameras are sensitive to infrared. Other uses include iridescent bulbs, projectors and heat sensitive systems.

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